Saturday 18 October 2014

most Indians don't use toilet paper after they poop; they just wash it directly with their hands. Why do they do that?

Question on Quora: I have heard that most Indians don't use toilet paper after they poop; they just wash it directly with their hands. Why do they do that?
An answer by Quora user Vikas Vimal:
You heard correct.
And got the wrong idea.
You see, Europeans didn't exactly have easy access to water. So they improvised. It's logical. You don't want poop on your hands, and the water is so cold, you just wipe it off with something and run back to the battle.
However, Indians were slightly more civilised. We actually had flush toilets way back like 4000 years ago. We had plenty of water, and food, and women, so we didn't fight like the rest of the Europeans. (That goes for their descendants too; looking at you US of A.)
To cut the long story short, we used to wash the rear with water and 'bare' hands. Then we washed that hand with water, scrubbed it with leftover ash from cooking last night's dinner and went on with our work.
Yeah ash works too. Maybe just a bit less than actual soap but we didn't invent soap. No contest there.
And I have used toilet paper when washing the rear wasn't an option. Way too much effort and you aren't sure if you are getting all of it in that manner.
Cold water sucks though!! Cold toilet seat sucks more....
Hands give feedback through a set of neurons, you know. That tells us if the rear is relatively clean. Then use soap to get your hands as clean as you want.
Also, Indians are trained to keep nails short. So, that fits pretty well in the overall scheme of things.
Plus we use LEFT hand for any work below the belt and only RIGHT hand for eating and writing. ALWAYS. Pretty neat, huh!
Also, we don't use that chair like toilet seats. We use the one that looks like a hole in the floor. It forces you to squat and exercise your prostrate. Results in fast defecation, less chances of prostrate cancer, less risk of communicable diseases and strong knees.
I actually had trouble squatting after an year abroad. Hated that.
We get to save paper and walk around with a much cleaner ass crack for the rest of the day and sometimes, for the night.... 
We used to rock back then, didn't we? Then the stupid Englishmen came here and took away our koh-i-noor, kamasutra, yoga, zero, plastic surgery, spices, rockets. The list is endless.
And then they left us debating over if washing the rear is good or wiping it with paper.
Okay, if we find any Indian (applies to all of the religions in India) NOT following any of the rules set above (like usage of water for the rear, right sets of hands for the job, short nails, usage of soap or ash before leaving the restroom and the like), we remind him of his obligation to the ancient culture and tradition of India. Or totally disregard him as an exception to the rule.
If you happen to observe any such activity by an Indian, feel free to remind him of that.
Jai Hind!
(____^---this 'Hind' is pronounced a bit differently from the English word 'hind' and has a totally unrelated meaning.)

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